Inlays & Onlays

Defective or unsightly “fillings” can be replaced by all-ceramic inlays, a tooth-colored material bonded to the tooth. Instead of using the more traditional cement, this bonding process may actually improve the strength and beauty of the tooth.

An onlay is the same as an inlay, except that it extends to replace a cusp. Crowns are onlays which completely cover all surfaces of a tooth.

Benefits of Inlays and Onlays:

Inlays and onlays perserve the maximum amount of healthy tooth structure while restoring decayed or damaged areas, helping to ensure functional longevity. They are extremely stable restorative solutions for treatment of decay. The superior fit and durable material make inlays and onlays a stable choice that can actually strengthen a damaged tooth. An onlay can protect the weak areas of the tooth, and does not require the complete reshaping of the tooth.

The procedure:

Typically, an inlay or onlay procedure is completed in two dental visits. During the first dental visit, we will remove the decay and prepare the damaged tooth. A molded impression of the tooth is then taken and sent to a dental laboratory, where an inlay or onlay is fabricated. You will go home with a provisional temporary.

At the 2nd dental visit, the temporary is removed, the inlay or onlay is placed. We will check to make sure the margins to ensure smooth fitting with tight adjacent contacts. We will also check your bite to ensure that there are no occlusion problems. Once fitted, the inlay or onlay is bonded onto the tooth and the margins are polished.

Request an Appointment

Send us a message with your desired date and time you’d like to make an appointment, and we will contact you promptly.